
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is extracted from one of my presentation, a spiral structure that is derived from a "Zip" bent timber frame, stuffed by a compression element (blue) between the spiral (white), the structure can be erected on site like pulling open a spring.

The teeth bending script is separately done. The input is two tubular surface, one outer, one inner. The spiral rib is extracted by a spiraling UV location (eg: 1:1 , 2:2 , 3:3 ...). The definition of the rib is the distance between the two surface.

I've added some model photos below.

Views: 3954

Replies to This Discussion

Nice project!
yeah, very very interesting!
you can share files gh? 
Your project is great


thank you verymuch


cảm ơn rất nhiều

Hi Victor,

I have a question for you.

Would you conclude that the curvature factor helped the wood bend at sharper angles with more, smaller teeth? Or could the wood bend just as easily without the curvature factor, or with evenly spaced teeth?

Thank you and awesome project.

Hi. Riley,

It was kind of an old project. I don't remember the conclusion much. But I think it does help.

Although the main limiting factor of the bending curvature is the skin thickness after the cut.

Nice work!

Would you share your definition?

Thank you. The script is available on my website, see earlier comment reply.

Thanks, Victor, I did after I posted. Do you know how well does Grasshopper work with multiple components loaded? You have Kangaroo in that one, right? Or something else? I have topopt and karamba on mine. Thanks again for sharing.






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