
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi There,
I have a (potentially easy?) question since I'm a little bit new at all this.

I've extruded a bunch of crvs (i.e. building footprints) to heights determined by an undulating mesh above. Now I'd like to be able to divide these extrusions into floors. It doesn't seem to be working for me..

I've attached a the grasshopper file and a screen capture of what it looks like when I do what I do. Can anyone help me?

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See the attached definition. I made a generic extrusion with two parameters to control the height: 1) floor-floor height 2) floor count. I put a bounding box around this extruded surface and used the first point as the origin of the cutting planes. The two parameters from the extrusion also controls the z-coordinate of the cutting planes. The output is a list of curves. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the help, Tuan! I didn't exactly use your method because the building heights aren't determined by sliders, but looking at your definition helped me understand some of the concepts better. I put in cp origins and they look like they're all set up at the right spots, but when I actually section the geometries, they come out funky. Is it because I've got multiple geometries I'm trying to section?

I cleaned up my definition and re-attached it along with another screen shot.
Use Cross Reference instead of Longest List for you Brep/Plane Intersection component. That should do it.
Ah thanks for the suggestion but it still doesn't work! Sorry to be such a problem child. It divides the breps into many many sections.
I added two data tree components to your definition. See image below.

Ah amazing! Thanks for all your help!! Looks like I've got some homework to do on trees.






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