
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


My question would maybe simple for some of the people here, but since i am a beginner i would love to get some help.

I have a curve that I control from points set in Rhino. (see screenshot below). I am using it to create a 3D ramp. I wonder if it would be possible to have the offset of the main curve with variable distances?
It can be points that attract the curve, or some definition that allows me to do it by graph.

All the methods that I tried till know are not giving me the needed result - after the offset that curves must stay parallel to the xy plane.

Thanks in advance!



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Something like this?


Thanks for the great and fast answer Daniel!

It took me some time to figure it out, but I think that I am still doing something wrong.

First, I am not using the height algorithm, because I Have it from the points and it is easier for me to do it that way. And than the loft that I am creating is somehow broken... or I don't know but it is not as "clean" as yours. :D

I just imagined some islands on the curve where it is wider.

I saw that in the forum - but I could not adapt it to my project somehow... or maybe it is a different thing. IDK.






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