
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm having some difficulty with using the Find similar member function. I have a list of differing values and I am trying to find the index where certain values are located. The problem I am having is that Find Similar Members is telling me that the values exist at indexes where they do not. The problem is shown in the image below. Any ideas how I can solve this?


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You're operating on text (all data inside panels is converted to text). You'll probably want to convert your data to actual numbers before trying to compare it.

Am I still doing something wrong? Changing to numbers still brings back false positive matches from the find similar member function. Is Find Similar Member or Member Index better to use here? I'm essentially trying to match up data from a csv file exported from MassMotion simulation software. I want to be able to isolate a specific simulation frame and specific agent to see their movement across the scene. I feel as though I am not matching my data correctly. I've attached my file, maybe you can have a look at it?


From (admittedly, what little) I understand from your file, I think I'd code it up as per attached.

I don't really understand how Frame Number and Agent ID are supposed to play together. Points on trajectories that belong to the same agent, never seem to belong to the same frame...


Ah, this seems much more straight forward... Only certain agents exist in certain frames depending on when they exit the scene. I want to be able to isolate certain agent's paths so finding which points (x,y,z) belong to which agentID, at a certain frame or series of frames. By changing the frame number, I would be able to animate the paths as the agents move from point to point over time.

Thank you BTW!!!






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