
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, i'm a total noob at grasshopper and I need help making this happen for my architecture studio.

Here's the problem. I have a row of stacked boxes and one plane(as seen with the left object in the image below). The plane will be anchored on one side but deformed by attraction points that pull on the plane to deform it. When the plane is deformed it contacts the boxes and thus shifts the boxes. The boxes have weight and friction so it also pushes back on the plane. The plane's form will conform to the boxes shape. 

I have no idea how to do this. All I know is that a real world physics plugin like kangaroo is needed. 

Much help will be appreciate! Thanks!

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A real physical system, plus arbitrary forces added, whew!

Break it down, to see if it's even possible with Kangaroo or Kangaroo 2, as in can you even do friction and can you even define solid block objects as physics entities? Get just the blocks working in a simplified system.

You may have to create your own dumbed down physics rules, not using Kangaroo, just approximating how the blocks might move, based on attractor forces, then just conforming a mesh or high UV count NURBS plane to the block ends, and finally tweaking away to get something reasonable.

I found out how to do it, but it would break my computer. The spring system needs connection lines between each particle, and since i have 30 boxes reacting with a mesh there would be too many connection lines. 





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