
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello Everyone,

I had a small doubt today in converting a raster image in to vector lines based on the detection of pixels. There is a possible way to convert it using Illustrator and Raster design, but just a thought if it could be done using grasshopper.

Many thanks in advance.

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Peacock has a Raster component to convert black and white images to closed curves.

To do since color is a little more complicated.
My logic was: Making a mesh from the image and the resolution you want. For each point in the mesh, selecting the corresponding pixel, and filter following some method (brightness, hue...). Those who have been discarded corresponds to the vertices you have to remove of the mesh and then pick the naked edges of the mesh, and you soften the curve.
This method is very slow and depends on the resolution of the image, but it works.

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your reply. I will give a try with peacock plugin.

I didn't get the logic of yours in making the mesh. For instance should i import the image in to rhino and place the points manually then take it to grasshopper to convert it to mesh? Then the further steps of which you suggested of filtering and picking naked edges from mesh to soften or interpolate the curve ? Is it right?

Or is there way to filter the image in Grasshopper and then convert the pixel to points and then manipulate them directly in it ?

Well, for simplicity, I meant this, as a basic example, where you have the steps.

I had to remove the picture to upload the file.


Oh cool!! Well understood the process now. Much appreciate for your time and help.






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