
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


After reading the primer rhinoscript101,
I start to read the grasshopper primer V2 again (especially the part about scripts)
and I become aware about , that grasshopper use also the rhino SDK classes, which seems to me more complex than rhinoscript.
and now I'm looking for a reference of these classes, to get additional informations and orientation. I did the rhino .Net SDK download, but the help file in this download doesn't really explain very much, on the first view.
Another problem ist that I didn't got the rhino SDK started on VisualStudio Express ? Do I need Visual studio ? - I think it isn't freeware??
When I wanted to drag the RMA.VisualStudioWizards.dll-file in the windows-assembly- file. Windows-Vista didn't allowed this. ???

can someone help me ? ;-)

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The best place to look for examples of the SDK in action is here:

You will see examples with C++, Visual Basic and C# side by side.

To use the script components in grasshopper you don't need to use Microsoft Visual Studio (Express). That is only for if you want to develop a plugin.

I think there is a section in the latest gasshoper primer by Rajaa Isaa that shows some examples of using the script component in grasshopper.

Good Luck,

Hi Chris

Thank you for the answer.

Yes I know this script component and I want to use it to create something like a rhino patch with tangential transitions from one to another surface.

The vb-script-component automatically import

Imports RMA.OpenNURBS
Imports RMA.Rhino

I think this are the rhino SDK classes which have more possibilities than rhinoscript.
In any case you can reach the rhino SDK classes with the VB-script-component - I read this in the grasshopper V2 primer.

And so ... I'm looking for some good links for the rhino SDK classes. Are they also open software like opennurbs ?

Have a nice day


Did you manage to get your VisualStudio Express settings right for .NET plugin development? I have the same problem as you are having with "RMA.VisualStudioWizards.dll", but in Windows 7. In Vista I managed to add it to the GAC using the .NET configuration application which can be found in Vista.

Markus Wikar
Hi Markus

after searching a long time, I still haven't found the .NET configuration application.
Do you know where I could find it?

In the readme file of the rhino SDK -> .NET 2.0 is mentioned, but VS Express comes with .NET 3.5?

... I haven't worked with windows 7 - sorry ...

Hi all,

Check the following article. It should help you get started:
Hi Rajaa

Thank you for the answer. But on this side there are no additional informations about the problem above.
I have download the rhino sdk - but the readme-file in the download has not enough informations for me to install rhino sdk in VS-Express.
Hi Carsten,
Do you get an error message when you try to drag the RMA.VisualStudioWizards.dll on to the assemblies directory? If so, what is that error message?

This may be a User Account Control issue (UAC). I would recommend disabling UAC and then attempt to drag RMA.VisualStudioWizards.dll on to the assemblies directory. Once this is done, you can then re-enable the UAC. The UAC settings can be found on the control panel "User Accounts" section.

Another option is the use the Microsoft .NET Configuration utility. This can be found under "Administrative Tools" in the Control Panel (classic view, I have no idea where this is in the new fangled view.)

All of this is for creating Rhino.NET plug-ins and not GH scripting components which it looks like you already know. Probably the best place to get help started with Rhino.NET plug-in development is on the rhino.plug-ins newsgroup


Hi Steve

Thank you very much for that great tip.

--> the UAC was the problem and also the Microsoft .NET Configuration utility (gacutil.exe) couldn't write the assembley . But now it works.

Perhaps someone should mention the UAC in the readme.file.

Thanks for the link, too.

Hi, Rajaa

why i biuld the .dll successfuly. but i can't fint the dll file in the path presented. so i can't debug it after?






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