
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Control Grasshopper Parameters, in Rhino Platform!


I wonder if someone could help me!

I have many parameters in my Grasshopper file, which Control variables of my Model.

Is there any way to Export the sliders in the Rhino window and control them from Rhino?

I would be Tahnkfull for any help. 

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"Export" ? you mean the values? what for? what Rhino could understand from these? 

BTW:  The thing that you can do (via code) is to get the values of any slider falls into your interests (say by sampling them via their NickName) make them persistent data into some DataTree stored into a parameter (kinda like the "internalize" works) and then recall any branch and apply the corresponding values. Meaning: creating variants of slider value combinations.

Imagine sliderA, sliderB, sliderC that hold a triad of values that we call a "variant". If every time you change these (or every time that you want to do it) the previous "variant" is stored in a DataTree ... then by accessing branches (and "updating" sliderX value) you actually access a variation of your solution.

I have several similar slider control examples (in C#). Notify if you want some.

hmm.... Thanks for the response, I should try it first and then come back to u!

Thanks Peter

I think you mean the Remote Control Panel from grasshopper. Remote Control Panel

Wow very quick reply, is much easier than searching for hours on internet :)

I think that helps me further! 

Thanks Siemen





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