
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


So basically I having a curve created in rhino, afterwards being 'parametrised' in Grasshopper. After wards, this element was oriented on a divided curve (5 times). What I am looking for, is getting different variable for each shape on the curve (whether it is related to the curvature's parameters its not really import, its just that I've been trying out something). Since I am not experienced with Grasshopper, I am wondering whether this is possible, or do I need to create the shape from scratch on Grasshopper?

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As you can plainly see (I hope!), my code does both sweep and extrude.

I took a different approach in this effort to use both of your station curves; instead of creating all the variations first and then distributing them along the curve, I distribute both curves first, unmodified, and then attempt to modify them in place.

So far, the modifications are causing the points in half of the modified curves to get out of plane, so 'Cap Holes' isn't working (but 'Sweep' still does).  Will try to fix that when I have more time.


I tried another approach. Since I was wondering whether creating the object directly in grasshopper would give me more liberty  in terms of shape variations, and it indeed does give a result closer to what I am seeking. Yet I still have the trouble with the cap holes, and with the creation of the 2nd polyline. And I cant seem to understand, where is it that I messed up.


maybe with more experience I might even be able to input the distance between the 2 polylines to variate, but that is not the main object at the moment. 

The tricky part of this is the variations - so many ways, some better than others.


still, if imposing a variation of the distance between the 2 station curves. what Component would you advise to use. I was thinking that maybe the 'evaluate length' but after trying it, I obviously didn't quite succeed.

And thank you again for your answers, it really helps me accomplishing the exercise, and to my Grasshopper learning process.

Excuse my insisting, but did you have the chance to look through the file I had posted earlier, where I tried another algorithm, that would frankly be more suiting for my level of knowledge of grasshopper. As it would fit better for all the modifications that I wish to make on the station polylines. Having modified the points position, doesn't let me to make modification (converted to length of lines/ angles between lines/ distance between the 2 polylines) plus, although I find your algorithm to be rather incredible, I still  have a poor understanding of its functionality (or how each component influences on the whole script).


Problem here is that i cant seem to create the 'angled' polyline. Nor can I orient both station polylines on the divided curve. Although, I am continuously trying out stuff, I cant seem to get the desired result.

Insist all you like, it's not my job to do anyone's work for them.

I spend time on this forum to amuse myself with interesting puzzles and to learn from others by reading their code.  At this point, I don't think I'm going to learn anything from reading your code (maybe someday?) and am not amused by moving goal posts.

well, its not like I was insisting for you to do it. Rather, I found myself being annoying with the amount of questions I had. Thus, I was wondering whether you would happen to have the time to look through it, (in the process uncovering where went wrong) but no worries.

Thank you for your time either way. And , as I mentioned before, your answers did enlighten me, in terms of the existence of components ( and grasshopper possibilities in general) of which I wasn't aware.

Why are you using two different identities and threads for basically the same question?

could be different person, same uni assignment






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