
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

MD SLIDER : how to generate sets of XY values using MD slider graph


I am trying to generate a set of N  set of x,y coordinates interpolated by the bezier crv given by  a MD slider

so far I am not able to generate any set of values..would you please help me to undestand if there is something wrong on what i am doing or if i need to set up my definition/components differently

when the slider is setted as default  I get a single set of XY coord. ( 2D Domain  0 to 1/0 to 1 )   but when i switch it to bezier crv nothing is generated

I think this has something to do with domain a series , i tried to split the "d domain trough a Div Dom comp but the point is that there is nothing coming out of the MD slider

is it possible to generate sets of values out of MD slider ? could anyone help me to do what i want ?

thanks in advance, regards


Views: 3324

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Excuse me guys..i realize only now that i am using a graph mapper not a MD slider.

anyway my the problem is still unsolved..I'd like to generate sets of N XY points generates by the choosen curve but i don't know how to do that

if anyone can help i really appreciate



Yeah, MD Slider generates a single point, it would be cool to add more than one, but for now, we can do this.


Hi there ,

I could finally work this out

here is my definiton , i'll post it in the hope it will be somehow helpful for somebody else



many thanks for your quick and helpful reply Daniel

I saw it only after posting my given solution but i like your better than mine







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