
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys

I am trying to re-create the 2013-2014 ICD/TKE pavilion as seen in the image below:

In the attached file is the image of the pavilion I have come up with so far. I have a few questions regarding this which i need to resolve before completing my definition.

1. Does the pavilion contain a double shell which requires me to create two curves (one inside the other) instead of one?

2. How do I make the polygons bigger on the surface?

3. How do you create the mesh-like structure in the polygons (as seen in the image below)

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Replies to This Discussion

  1. I think all polygons are indeed offsetted. You can create the outside (or inside?) polygons by modifying the corner points of the existing polygons. You'll need to figure out how to give coincident corners the same offset vector, but I think you have a surface whose normals you can use (see attachment).
  2. ?
  3. It seems as though the 'mesh like structure' is just a bunch of lines connecting points on the bottom polygons with points on the top polygons. If you divide both the bottom and the top polygons in equal number of segments, then Shift List (with Wrap=true) either the top or the bottom lists, you can connect them diagonally.The amount of shifting will control the size of the 'gap' in the middle of each polygon.


I am trying to do the same pavillion on grashopper, would you mind if you could tell me the steps or I can follow  screenshot of your patch please. Your help would be appreciated.


Yasmine Atoui 






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