
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sorry if this is a really stupid question but I tried searching for "create UV curve" already.

Is there a way to create a UV curve and apply a UV curve like you can in Rhino?

The closest I could find in grasshopper for apply UV is the map to surface component, but that requires a target plane, so if I want to apply curves to a curvy surface I'm screwed right?

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Hi JS,

Map to Surface will work, but it will only move control-points. If you want straight lines in a source curve to become curvy, then you need to use [Surface Morph]. This is a 3D morphing (UVW, not just UV), but you can ignore the height.


David Rutten


Hi David!

Can you explain the box input? I tried putting in a curve of my own and look what happened below.

My first instinct was to put a bounding box on the curve or the surface, but both failed :(


The input box is for the original curve as the surface domains are for the morphed curve. Put a box tightly around your input curve to make it go onto the entire surface.


David Rutten

Thank you David!

Hi David,

I am trying to do a similar thing but with text wrapping onto the sphere. Somehow the text wrap in a weird direction. Is there a way to fix that? please see the rhino and grasshopper file attached.



Hi JS,

It's an old thread though. I came across the same question today trying to apply patterns precisely to a trimmed surface (to trim the pattern in parameter space in advance so that it would fit the trimmed surface perfectly) and have found the precise matches (if you meant them) for rhino command "create UV curve" and "apply UV curve" in grasshopper.

In RhinoCommon, Surface.Pushup Method (Curve, Double) works exactly as "apply UV curve", while Surface.Pullback Method (Curve, Double) is for "create UV curve". I have experimented them on a trimmed edge and the result is precise (with a max curve deviation of e-13).

If not familiar with script, the original components would still do the work:

However, the trimming curve I morphed back is not as precise as the script, Maximum deviation = 0.000951109, still below the absolute tolerance (I guess surface morph just take absolute tolerance as a parameter by default).


Sorry, Pullback method dose not work as precisely for exact surface edges, I was using Brep.Curves2D for creating UV edge curves instead, which returns edge curves in parameter space directly.






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