
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Seconding this post made by Jacek where he requests that the Extract Parameter works on components with already connected wires leading into it. I add to this a request that the component be able to do the same on the output, that is be able to extract parameters from the output and move the wires to the new component.

I would also like to be able to "Consume Parameter" to remove a parameter component and have its wires attached to the remaining component. This would allow for easy insertion and changes to components that were already connected to too many wires to track down.

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request seconded (thirded?). Good ideas here. "Consume parameter" though strikes me as potentially problematic - what about a case with multiple parameters fed into a single input? If one of those parameters is grafted, and one of them is not, what behavior does the consumed parameter take on? is it only available as an option when receiving a single input?
Multiple parameters fed into a single input is exactly what I'm after. First, remember that we are talking Parameter components here, not just parameters. So I guess to be more clear, they could be called "Extract Parameter Component" and "Consume Parameter Component." Whether a parameter component is being extracted or consumed, the settings (wire attachment order, post-processing, flatten/graft, invert, etc.) for the original component should be transferred to the new one.

This will allow you to extract these settings from a component, disconnect the component from the extracted one place in a new component that uses the same data format and then consume the parameter into the new component if you wish to. Makes for a user-based replace feature as well as the ability to insert components between your parameter settings, wires, etc. and your current component. If that makes sense.

Also currently, Extract Parameter applies to a single input. In order to replace a whole component, say replace an addition component with a subtraction one, you'd have to do extract parameter on both inputs. I imagine there could be a more robust replace component feature built on top of this that uses the same functionality, but it would be a bit more difficult I think.
I just re-read your post with a little more clarity on your concern. I guess in an instance where two or more parameter components were being combined, if the parameter input settings didn't match, then they couldn't be consumed.
It looks like I didn't come up with this idea on my own. I replied to a post on this same topic and didn't remember o.O

Anyhow, the idea has merit aside from relating to clusters.
How about this? It doesn't do what you asked for, but it may be a different solution to the same problem.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Good solution. yes please.
Hmm ... I don't know ... I think I like this much better.
Awesome! How does one differentiate between pulling a single wire (e.g. to disconnect one) and a bundle?
Perhaps if you have selected the components whose wires you wish to move? If you have none selected then all the wires go.
Press Ctrl+Shift to get the rewiring behaviour. Unfortunately you have to do this before you mouse down over the parameter grip. Not sure yet how to fix this, it would be nice to be able to switch between all 4 wire drawing modes at any time.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
sweetness...yes please!






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