
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have question about delaunay (edges or mesh), with grasshopper 0.9 (rhinoceros 5).

How to delete (clean) outer edges or faces of polylines made with delaunay?

If someone can post .gh file, would be better.


Views: 3662

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If a polyline edge goes through a triangle, then the result is no longer correct, that's why I divided the polyline edges to insert additional points.


Hy again,

is there any way to not divide polylines (keep mesh simple), thi is done with delaunay mesh, is there 

maybe way to do this with delaunay edges (to delete those outer edges-lines)?

Here i attached file with those to objects (note the lines are exploded).



What actual problem are you trying to solve? Are you trying to turn each closed loop of roof edges into a single surface or mesh? 

Let's say yes if i understand question.

see image below.

Ok, well I don't think delaunay is a good approach then, although you may end up using it anyway as your roof loops are not planar. If they were you could use the Rhino Planar Surface command or the Boundary Surfaces component.

The problem you have is that you need a constrained delaunay triangulation and Grasshopper doesn't have such an algorithm. Using vanilla delaunay means your mesh edges may not match up with your roof edges.

Additional problem is that if the curves aren't joined into closed outlines there's no way to determine whether a triangle is inside or outside a single roof.

This is the best I can come up with without custom scripting.

It requires some manual pre-processing. All the roof edges have to be projected to a plane below all the geometry. Then you need to use the Rhino CurveBoolean command to generate all roof outlines. This can be done with a single click for all roofs, so it's not too bad a limitation.


It is ok like that, but again one problem it has, that is that are every edge is divided by one point as i can see, right?

Does it have to be like that or it has solution?

Thanks for answering.

Sorry for bothering again, take a look at this problem.


Yup, I said:

All the roof edges have to be projected to a plane below all the geometry.

Without a constrained Delaunay algorithm it has to be like that. In fact you may even need more than one edge division depending on the input geometry.

The meshing behaviour you are after is not very delaunay-like, so you may have to switch to a different algorithm, but that means either a plug-in, or a lot of custom coding.

Yes delaunay mesh is not good solution. Let's close this thread.






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