
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi I'm quite new in grasshopper.

I have a curve and it spin around an axis  moving in Z axis ( this create kind of a ribbon ) .... I just do it with a series on Z vector of the move of the curve.

Now I want to move each of this curves incremental of a value in X vector for the half of the value of the number of the curve ( set already on a slider ) than decrement for the same incremental value.

How can I do it ?

As you can see in the picture attached I have already create a working definition and the X moving vector work pretty good ... but always increment.

I just need to interrupt or invert its behaviour from the half of the Flange count so every time I move the flange count slider ... the curve move out for the first half of the series and then in for the second half.

Thank you everybody for the help

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can you provide a sketch?

it's attached on a Jpg ... can you see it ?

does anybody can help me ?

Can you post your GH code?

off course 


Not sure this is what you expected?  A smoother transition from plus to minus (1 to -1) might look better?


No ... this isn't what I want .....

I just need that my previous form .... each curves need to increment moving in X .. like I already did ... but ... in the half ... they need to decrement.

Oh yes, of course.  Very nice.  Here you go:


Weird!  My changes got lost before I uploaded the file - was helpful that I took a picture!  Restored GH code attached.

Have you tried reversing the list and then either use merge or insert items to effectively mirror the items?

(bear in mind you may have to cull index 0 or you may get duplicate items on top of each other) does that sound about right?

This was I was intended to do .... but I cannot do it ... I tried but something missing. could you be more precise ? or make an example ?

Here's one that uses a sine curve to smooth the reversal, which is particularly noticeable in the top view (the sine wave version in blue is enveloping earlier versions):

The "max" slider determines overall diameter, or maximum deflection of the spiral:







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