
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

creating smooth mesh after decomposing and splitting

Hey everybody!

as nobody seems to have noticed about my reply in this post

 -> previous discussion.. I'll try it again here

sorry for bothering you all again! But maybe you or somebody has an idea about my current problem...

I have been using a definition to find the apparent/visible and the not visible faces of a  mesh. After using a low resolution mesh, it turned out that even with a higher resolution model there is a problem occurring. The problem is some kind of stepping as you see in the picture below.

original mesh from zremesher and model with stepping:

I believe the problem occurs as the mesh is recomposed again in the Construct Mesh Component, because there is not the right amount of vertices and faces provided. there is already a Dispatch component for the faces there, but not for the vertices. But maybe I'm wrong!? I'm not sure... 

here the workspace:

As I'm not very practiced in data structures (and I think I need to dispatch the vertices somehow... and find the right vertices to the faces), I hope somebody could give me a hint or could tell me what is wrong about my assumptions.

Thanks in advance!!

the rhino file:

Views: 530


Replies to This Discussion

I could isolate the possible causes for the stepping. It is actually happening before the mesh is processed. As I baked the vertices out of the the mesh deconstruct component and the face normal center pt out of the face normal component, the faces as well as the vertices are already shifted, resulting in stepping.

The question are:

 1) is there another way to extract mesh vertices and faces in Gh?

 2) what couses the error? using a generic geometry everything works out well

best, Samy

the result after welding the vertices of the Object on the right.. stepping!

I don't know how to solve the problem!





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