
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Recursive Subdivision of an Image, can't get it solved

Hey all,

I'm trying to recursively subdivide a surface with the input from a black and white picture. I found an image of jimi hendrix on the web:

To recreate this i wrote a gh-file with Hoopsnake. But I seem to get stuck on a part where i think the problem lies within the data i get from some parts. I am quite a beginner in grasshopper and rhino but have come as far that the surface at least wants to subdivide. 


I think I cannot get the proper data out of the image for the subdivision to work. (Or I havent found a way to do so) 


What i want to reach is that the surface divides into smaller square surfaces on the places where the black&white picture is more black. The white parts in the picture should have bigger square surfaces. 

For a next step I would like to be able to change the 'gradient' of the subdivision, where i can change the level of shade needed for the subdivision. This allows me to reach different variants on 1 picture

Also i would like to make a 3d model out of this: By giving the big surfaces alot of height, and the smaller surfaces a smaller height, it would be possible to make a kind of 'landscape' of the picture.

Could anyone help me with this? Or some tips/tutorials?


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Here is a Non-Recursive process.


Wow, Looks good man!

I am trying to understand everything and I haven't used the quadtree component before. Is it the best way to create the squares in a recursive subdivision?

I tried combining ideas of this definition with my own one in some ways but it wont work :/ 

The way the values are taken from the picture are fine for a black and white, but i tried to do a grayscale one, where there are alot of shades. It didn't work because the smaller than component just outputs the difference between black/white. 

Could someone help me out with maybe another way to do this? Or how to do this with recursion? 

(I tried it with this picture in my definition)

Thanks in advance guys

The jimi hendrix image u showed as reference should have been a vector art like this than just a grey scale image. If u r trying to work with gray scale images u need to optimise things for yourself like the

1)number of points u provide

2)just average component will not help u select points with values

3)number of squares to group in Quadtree component.

Okay thanks for the tips, ill try and work it out!

I found the base picture from which the jimi hendrix is made:

Ill post when i find out more, thanks for the help man!





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