
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi guys,


i am wondering if there are any tricks to make a stopping conditon while using galapagos simulate annealing solver? say duration or iteration times or whatever. as i noticed, there is the timer within but it just works while using the genetic solver.

and as my understanding galapagos is operating somehow above grasshopper, so it seems that it is not easy to stop it.


any idea will be appreciated!



Views: 1172

Replies to This Discussion

Hello Horus,

Doesn't this help?

hi nikos,

thanks for the reply,

but as i said, it seems only working on the genetic solver, not the annealing solver.

moreover, duration doesn't seem to be a good stopping condition for the simulate annealing, since you never know if it just start a new generation when time's up

Sorry you are right, I read your post in a hurry... 

If you set a threshold fitness value, then whenever that threshold has been reached the solver will stop.

hi david,

thanks for your reply, i actually learnt a lot from your replies today while searching for the way to code optimization method.

yes, that works. however it is not possible to predict a threshold before optimization since no one knows how good the answer can go before kicks start.

hi david,


sorry, i think i've got what you mean.

thanks for the help!





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