
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

(images and files attached)I've been going crazy over this for an entire day without any luck. Hoping someone can help me to figure it out. I have two sets of points, 'from' and 'to'. I have the 'from' connecting to their closest 'to' based on the component setup in the file (it's a simplification of a larger file but this is how it's set up). I have lines going from each 'from' to each 'to' based on this setup.

No problems there.

But each 'to' destination has a total "capacity" of 'from' connections. At first, these connections ignored this capacity and so there are many more connections than there are supposed to be.

I want to cull those extra connections after the closest point action, and then use that newly culled point list to connect to the 'line' component. The end result should be a set of connections where the total capacity of each 'to' point is not exceeded.

I've gotten to the stage where I can find how many 'to' connections are made, but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to cull the excess points. Any help would be greatly appreciated, hopefully the file makes clear where I have not, I've tried to make the file as clean as possible.

Views: 1650


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Dear LoD, 

Just wanted to say thank you, I've completed the interface with my master file and things seem to be operating well. Thanks for helping a Grasshopper newbie and showing some of the potential of this software. Yes indeed, I just may have to hire a programmer at some point! Interested in moving from Athens? Haha. Thank you again. 

I'll send an image to your PM to show you the 'point' of that 'pointless' endeavor. 

BTW: And since this case is closed(?) ... here's the moral: it's about putting things on schedule, he he.

best, Senior Executive (aka The Lord).






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