
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm working on a definition where if the objects intersect then the physical model will run into issues. 

So I'm looking to have the intersecting brep's moved further inward until there is no intersection.

It doesn't have to be all of them moved as when one is clear then the intersection is clear in this case with only 2 objects intersecting each other. But what ever is easier at this point.

My logic is;

If intersection = true

then +1 (unit) move inwards (towards centre) along curve  

until intersect = false

I was looking into hoop snake and to get the boolean intersect value, but I have not got very far with it.

Current Left

Desired Right

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Well (WIP = Work In Progress(?)).

1. The second C# needs some finishing/polishing AND adaptation to your data structure (trees instead of lists). Trivial provided that you know (do you?) what these mysterious trees are.

2. You can read code don't you? So let's see this:

this moves (using v.Unitize() per brep per line per each iteration) the breps > calculates the distances (see 3) > unpredictable amount of times called on duty > ... > until a stop condition occurs. 

3. This (used in all modes) calculates the distances by "calling" itself (so to speak : see the pt1, pt2 "swap") thus he needs a stop condition (hence the loops) - it's a bit fractal logic:

4. Now ... back to 2 > safety net is a second stop condition  ... because a million situations can occur (due to Topology of breps yielding very strange results: use some weird ones to see what I mean) where minD is NOT > distance (primary stop condition) meaning an infinitive loop > Armageddon.

5. PS: I want your professional opinion for something utterly serious that I have in mind: do you think that this (in Beta right now) is OK/proper for my 17 cats? (new home Order etc etc).


ahh poo... because of the "remove duplicate polylines" vb script the brep list is totally rearranged from the original "deconstruct brep" edges list preformed after "mesh to surface" cluster (of which everything else is derived).

So basically I know which trees, but there is no order. So I'd have to rearrange one of them for the breps not to move wildly like the unordered things they are.

Now I know I put in the remove polylines script in there for some reason... but now I look at it... there are no duplicates. This I will have to look into momentarily.

Honestly, I dont think the words "too much of a good thing" apply here, not even close. What scares me is their demands for new tie fighters and bigger Death Stars

Please ignore,

Now I know I put in the remove polylines script in there for some reason... but now I look at it... there are no duplicates. This I will have to look into momentarily.

Temporary insanity or something

I can sense some agony here > here's the deal (I'll charge you extra sardine cans for that) > isolate lines AND breps AS THEY ARE (no order and/or chaos and/or whatever) > post the hot stuff here. I mean ... er... I can't easily navigate into your def (too many cables , he he) > let's focus solely to the issue.

Lord of (gloss) Darkness. 

I think the term your looking for is hot mess.

Thanks Peter, its taking over my life...

Boy ... such a "simple" (add some " " more, he he) case ... (BTW: in fact all that you need is the new Umbrella sticks thing that starts from a node connectivity tree and does it all: angles, lengths, facets, node ID's ...)

PlanA: Seppuku, PlanB: Skype.






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