
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I'm struggling with problem and hope somebody could help me:

I have lofted closed surface to which I've morphed curves ( modeled like repeatable texture). After running the same file on two computers I have perfectly wrapped pattern from one machine and the other adds wired margin to set of curves. So when I split surface I have this gap along edges of lofted surface. It must be some settings difference but I can't find it. 

Please take look at pic and if somebody have any idea how to deal with it... Thanks for help.


Views: 457

Replies to This Discussion

Could it be different versions of Rhino and/or Grasshopper?

Hi David. Thank you for quick reaction.

As for versions: both Rhino 5 are x64 and Grasshopper 9. Do you think that different versions could be responsible for computing different geometry from the same input ? 

Could it be a parameter input that has reset itself on one PC? I used to open files and certain integer parameters had set themselves to null.

Hi martyn, I don't think so. Everything works the same untill it hits map curves to surface. Beside it's repetitive behavior: the same file on one computer works fine and othe not. No matter how many times it is reopened. It depends on where is it opened.

I'm afraid you'll have to send me the file so I can test it, see whether it works the way it's supposed to or not on my machine. You can upload it here, or send it to me personally* if you don't want to put it in the public domain.


David I appreciate it. It's a progress version but take a look if you'll find some time.  

Ok. Rhino reinstall helped. Thanks. 






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