
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to create a live physical model that will reposition and resize a circular ring to contain a moving set of points or particles. Essentially it is a smallest circle optimisation. However, I am struggling to find a way of updating this circle as the points move without reopening galapagos everytime. Is there a way of automating this?

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I have tried timers but they will not connect

is galapagos really the best way to do this? There are linear-time algorithms to find the smallest circle that bounds a set of points. attached is a definition that (I think...) finds the smallest circle around a set of points in the xy plane It's far from optimized but it is still pretty fast - I have to believe it will be faster than trying to get galapagos to blindly seek the solution. 


I will try this out now and let you know the result!


Worked a treat Andrew, thanks!

Adding to what Andrew said, by "live physical model" do you mean an iterative solver like Kangaroo? If so, you could solve the physical process in one GH iteration using Zombie Kangaroo. If I understand your problem correctly..

By physical model I meant a built model, not a kangaroo physics based digital model. 

Ah, well in that case, ignore me ;)

Haha thank you anyway





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