
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,

I have created a complicated terrain surface with grasshopper. Now, I have to cut some surfaces out of it. For example to create the street, the pedestrian walk etc.

But everytime I try to trim or split the surface with the projected curves he destroys it. On the first view it looks fine, but when I render it (vray)... Just have a look on the picture.

I hope you can help me.


Thank you.


Views: 407


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Phil,

rar files don't work on Ning, you'll have to upload zip files instead.

Could it be a problem with meshes not being precise enough? If the shapes you're making are enormous compared to the model units, or if the shapes are really far away from the origin, then the rounding errors that occur when converting nurbs geometry to meshes can become noticeable.

Thank you very much David. I tried it. By moving the whole thing near the 0,0,0 coordinate the zick zack edges disappear. :) But the black holes still existed :( Even in mm.

I also upload the zip file.

I hope you can help me furthermore.


I've found something which worked but couldn't be the solution from my point of view.

First I split the surface geometry with a curve, then extruded the new surface, explode it and join it with the existing terrain geometry. Then I explode it again, (maybe change the layer) and voila, there are no black holes anymore. But maybe there is another way?






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