
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, does anyone knows how do I offset a curve along a curve? Currently, when I offset, it is offset against the standard xy plane, such as the picture below. black arrows are where the curves are offset to, and the blue arrows are where I want them to be offset, which is aligned to the, curve in dashed yellow. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated. 

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Hi! Yeokho

It may not be exactly the same as 'offset curve along a curve' but I think it is similar to your intension.

I have found similar methods in other website but unfortunately, it didn't work for me. Matthew Leta gave me a solution I exactly wanted, so this problem is solved! Thank you very much, Hyungsoo kim! :) 

Hey There Yeokho!

I Believe the best approach for this is to find an array of tangent vectors to the isocurves of the surface, and move the points by that vector as well as its opposite, then connect the moved points with a curve and loft between them. i set up a gh definition to work along with your file. i hope this helps!



Thanks, Matthew, I've tried other ways but it did not work and yours works perfectly, thank you so much! :) 





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