
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to produce a fibrous/honeycomb pattern that is similar to the Manifold project done by Andrew Kudless (image attached below).

I have tried to create something like this but wondering if there is any other option rather than using the pipe curve so that it gives closer result to the Manifold pattern?

I've also attached the Rhino and GH file I'm working on.

Thank you and any help will be greatly appreciated!

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Easiest way is to grab the lunchbox pack for grasshopper and plug your surface into the hexagonal structure component. The component follows the U and V lines of the surface so in rhino you can "rebuild" with a desired uv the press f10 to get the points on and mess them around and make them larger/smaller. This is a way to make Andrew's project easily.


Hi Jesse! Thank you very much for your help! It is much more understandable and I can now further explore the definition. Much appreciated.

Hi Jesse,

I am a little confused as to how to make them smaller. Can you reword/explain that again? Also, is there a way to add more hexagons to it. Mine are pretty big and i need more but smaller ones. thanks
1. Install lunchbox components
2. Make a curvy single surface in rhino
3. Link into grasshopper (brep, set one brep)
4. Plug that surface into any desired grid component from lunch box
5. Put a slider on the u and v inputs on that lunch box component and adjust the grid to the desired size.
6. The original rhino surface u and v grid should be adjusted as desired to produce the variation in size. Rebuild command on your surface in rhino will allow you to generate more or less u and v grid lines.
7. Turn the control points on for your surface in rhino (select it and press f10)
8. Move the control points in the interior of your surface and watch the hexagons change size in grasshopper.






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