
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys!

I have a small problem, but I cant solve it. 

I have some 3D curves and defined points in list on these curves. I have to make parpendicular planes in these points. 

I can make planes in these point, but they are horizontal or if I use PerpFrames and I orient the planes its okey. But these planes should be just on the defined points. 

I cant use tangent, I couldnt figure it out why. 


3D curves - defined points - perpandicular plane

Please, help me! :S

Thanks :)

Views: 598

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try using [pframe] instead of [pframes] and feed it with the curve and the defined points parameters.

good luck,


then try uploading your file, to get help.


its good, but in some point it doesnt want to work. I dont know why. 

It will remain a mystery as long as you don't post your file ;)

sorry :) You can see the difference here. some of the planes are not in the point, what i need. 


Henriett please upload your gh file if you want to get help. 

at the red section. there are some trying at the end...


It's a data matching problem.

Try graft & simplify on the [move] output and remove flatten from the [Divide Length] outputs and it should work

ohhh yesss!! I LOVE YOU! :D

thanks :)

just to learn....  what is the logic of these steps? simplify, graft, flatten etc. 

They are operations performed on data lists and data trees (collections of lists).

a very quick explanation:

graft moves each list item into its own list,

flatten turns a tree into a single list

and simplify is used on data trees to simplify the paths of all lists inside the tree...

On data types see this post, and read Generative Algorithms (especially chapter 5_6).

You can also find other tutorials on this forum's home page and many more online. (ex. this video)






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