
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


 I use GH0.70014 , Who can help me to write a component that would retrieve a set of text object and output as a set of strings. GH doesn’t have String reference component .I think that if
you get the strings of text object must be through command line operation ,I
try to use Rhino.Input.Custom
class but no reaction to my Script .

Any suggestion will be appreciated!

Views: 4956

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Hi Wangbin

Do you need to input strings from Rhino command line? Why?

You can always type a list of strings in a "Panel" component as in the attached image:

-Rajaa Issa

thank you for your help,I actually want to grab the thousands of datas from the Rhino drawing. for example , In the attached image , every line has a name corresponding to the closest sting, retreive the string to GH VBScript then I can do the next step .
Hi Wangbin,

I see what you mean now.
Attached is a file with two components. One for selecting text objects and the other for selecting dots.

-Rajaa Issa
Thanks a lot.It's what I want.
Hi Rajaa,

Thanks a lot for the script.
Would you know how I could dispatch doubles from string (in this case get rid of the ST2H) ?
Is it possible afterwards to bake them back in position ?



Hello again :)
Here is the solution, thanks to Mitch/EPFL on the RHINO newsgroup:

Call AddPtfromTextHeight()
Sub AddPtfromTextHeight()
' Instruction:
' 1. Pre-select all text-objects containing valid height(z) values
' ex. selText
' 2. Run Script
' * Maybe a good idea to set a different layer as current to keep the new points

Dim strTxtObj,arrTxtObj
Dim pt3D, height,strTxt

'get array containing pre-selected text objects

If IsArray(arrTxtObj) Then
'loop through individual text objects
For Each strTxtObj In arrTxtObj
If rhino.IsText(strTxtObj) Then
'1. get text object location
'2.get the text from the text object
'3.check to see if the text can be interpreted as a number
If IsNumeric(strTxt) Then
'4. convert z-value of point location to the text object value
'5. add point
rhino.AddPoint pt3D
End If
End If
End If
End Sub






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