
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm trying to get mesh vertex color using colorAt method, but I always get as output 255 (even on painted meshes).

I also found this topic on the forum talking about the same issue:

Anyway to solve?

Thank you.


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If you're not picky about exactly interpolating the color in between vertices (which mesh.ColorAt tries to do) you can just find the closest mesh vertex, get its index, and use Mesh.VertexColors[i];

the quick way I pulled together to do this...

(where M is a mesh, P is a Point3d, and A is the output color)

PointCloud pc = new PointCloud(M.Vertices.ToPoint3dArray());

A = M.VertexColors[pc.ClosestPoint(P)];

Thank you for your reply Andrew.

Actually what you describe is exactly what I've been doing so far. I was looking for more precision indeed. probably I should calculate it myself using barycentric coordinates...

Hey guys,

I tried to find a work around using the barycentric coordinates from T propriety in MeshPoint class, but I was getting strange results on some of the faces ( the script outputs opposite values , like black where actually the color is white).Then I thought that the evaluation is influenced by face vertices order and I tried to get Triangle propriety to use the correct vertex order in the evaluation: I don't know why the Triangle propriety outputs nothing.

At the very end I decide to code everything from scratch. Probably It is a bit convoluted, or not optimized, but it works..and that's fine ( and I learned something new about mesh shading :) ).

See attached the code.



You can find the original code of the ColorAt function at RhinoCommon's Git repository:

I tried to port it to C#. See the attached file and code below:

Color ColorAt(Mesh mesh, int faceIndex, double t0, double t1, double t2, double t3)
    // int rc = -1;
    var color = Rhino.Display.Color4f.Black;

    if( mesh.VertexColors.Count != 0)
      // test to see if face exists
      if( faceIndex >= 0 && faceIndex < mesh.Faces.Count )
        /// Barycentric quad coordinates for the point on the mesh
        /// face mesh.Faces[FaceIndex].

        /// If the face is a triangle
        /// disregard T[3] (it should be set to 0.0).

        /// If the face is
        /// a quad and is split between vertexes 0 and 2, then T[3]
        /// will be 0.0 when point is on the triangle defined by vi[0],
        /// vi[1], vi[2]

        /// T[1] will be 0.0 when point is on the
        /// triangle defined by vi[0], vi[2], vi[3].

        /// If the face is a
        /// quad and is split between vertexes 1 and 3, then T[2] will
        /// be -1 when point is on the triangle defined by vi[0],
        /// vi[1], vi[3]

        /// and m_t[0] will be -1 when point is on the
        /// triangle defined by vi[1], vi[2], vi[3].

        MeshFace face = mesh.Faces[faceIndex];

        // Collect data for barycentric evaluation.
        Color p0, p1, p2;

          p0 = mesh.VertexColors[face.A];
          p1 = mesh.VertexColors[face.B];
          p2 = mesh.VertexColors[face.C];
          if( t3 == 0 )
          { // point is on subtriangle {0,1,2}
            p0 = mesh.VertexColors[face.A];
            p1 = mesh.VertexColors[face.B];
            p2 = mesh.VertexColors[face.C];
          else if( t1 == 0 )
          { // point is on subtriangle {0,2,3}
            p0 = mesh.VertexColors[face.A];
            p1 = mesh.VertexColors[face.C];
            p2 = mesh.VertexColors[face.D];
            //t0 = t0;
            t1 = t2;
            t2 = t3;
          else if( t2 == -1 )
          { // point is on subtriangle {0,1,3}
            p0 = mesh.VertexColors[face.A];
            p1 = mesh.VertexColors[face.B];
            p2 = mesh.VertexColors[face.D];
            //t0 = t0;
            //t1 = t1;
            t2 = t3;
          { // point must be on remaining subtriangle {1,2,3}
            p0 = mesh.VertexColors[face.B];
            p1 = mesh.VertexColors[face.C];
            p2 = mesh.VertexColors[face.D];
            t0 = t1;
            t1 = t2;
            t2 = t3;

        double r = t0 * p0.FractionRed() + t1 * p1.FractionRed() + t2 * p2.FractionRed();
        double g = t0 * p0.FractionGreen() + t1 * p1.FractionGreen() + t2 * p2.FractionGreen();
       double b = t0 * p0.FractionBlue() + t1 * p1.FractionBlue() + t2 * p2.FractionBlue();

        ON_Color color;
        color.SetFractionalRGB(r, g, b);

        unsigned int abgr = (unsigned int)color;
        rc = (int) ABGR_to_ARGB(abgr);
        var c0 = new Rhino.Display.Color4f(p0);
        var c1 = new Rhino.Display.Color4f(p1);
        var c2 = new Rhino.Display.Color4f(p2);
        float s0 = (float) t0;
        float s1 = (float) t1;
        float s2 = (float) t2;

        float R = s0 * c0.R + s1 * c1.R + s2 * c2.R;
        float G = s0 * c0.G + s1 * c1.G + s2 * c2.G;
        float B = s0 * c0.B + s1 * c1.B + s2 * c2.B;
        color = new Rhino.Display.Color4f(R, G, B, 1);
    return color.AsSystemColor();







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