
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear All

I have a grasshopper script shown below and attached

Essentially I'm trying to create a number of vaulted frames and render them. When I try and use the VPipe component it only render one column and the arc curve.

When I use the Pipe component in renders the whole frame, I've tried reversing column orientation and checked the columns and arcs are paired up in the correct order.

Please could someone have a look and tell me whats up. Is it the join component or VPipe or something else (data structure?)?

Your help is much appreciated



Views: 874


Replies to This Discussion

I haven't got Panelling tools installed but from the Image you posted I would guess that you are not supplying enough changes in variability and location for VPipe to work. You are only giving it a single t and a single R value.

Thanks I'll have a play





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