
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to use a grid of points to establish a light fixture pattern.  When I double click on the Lyrebird node I get the following error message.



System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

 at LMNA.Lyrebird.GH.SetRevitDataForm..ctor(LyrebirdChannel c, GHCLient p)


Any help would be appreciated.





Views: 998

Replies to This Discussion

Do you have the lyrebird server turned on in Revit?  It defaults to the off position so it doesn't use resources unnecessarily.


I do,  that is the first thing i checked.

Any update to this?  I am getting the same error.

hello, I am getting the exact same error here as well. the Lyrebird server is turned on. however I am using Revit 2015.

Wonder if there has been any update on this issue?

Rhino SR7 GH (0.9.0075)


me too the same issue (RVT 2015)

I am also having the same issue. Can someone please help?

Rhino 5 SR7 GH0.9.0076
Revit 2015

Thanks a lot in advance!

Hi, Similar problem. When I set GH component to Revit 2015 and double click it opent the dialog window but it look like it cannot see the Families - it says Error next to DropDown list for family name.



I am having the same issue here. I am still on Revit 2014 though. It worked just fine up until i updated to latest version of lyrebird, now I can't do anything. 


For some reason it's not able to communicate with Revit. If the lyrebird server is turned on and the GH component is set to the correct version of Revit then I may need to see if there's a problem with permissions happening. I'm traveling all week for work so I don't know if I'll be able to look into it until next week.

I don't know if this matters but when I open a new Revit Project, and run Lyrebird all of a sudden there is no error. Everything works. Is there a limit on how many families its able to query? I thought it was the server time-out issue - that when set to 200ms it did not have enough time to pull up all families before it timed out. I tried changing that to 2000ms, but no luck. For now I just moved some critical families to a new project, I will test there and then run final imports later when issue resolves.

Have fun at AU!  

me 2, installed 1.10 just then,now I have the same issue, and also the family names in grasshopper doesn't match the names in Revit 2014, so I can't create anything. :(

Any progress on this? I'm having the same issue.








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