
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I created this surface then I triangulated it, but I have a problem with the surface division, as you can see in the picture the surface isn't divided equally in the x and y direction, how can I fix that.


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That will be the NU in NURBS meaning Non-Uniform.

You will have to come up with different methodology to get even spacing for you subdivisions. You might try Lunchbox which has some paneling components or even Paneling tools might have some.

Thanks Danny for your help. I installed both tools, I started with Lunchbox, it did triangulate my surface with one component, which is fast comparing to the script in the picture above,however, it didn't space the panels evenly. Then I used Paneling tools, I used the create gird from surface component which created an evenly spaced grid then I used the create panels component. I was able to get the results I needed by specifying a string function in the last component.

Thanks again. 





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