
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi., I'm trying to make a slider with Min. value of 0 and Max. value of 2, I want the slider to move in 0.5 steps, so I only get these values 0, .5, 1, 1.5, 2. Any Ideas. I apologize if the question seems stupid , but I'm a Grasshopper beginner.


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Set the Slider to display Integers only [N] Then have an Expression x*0.5

As you drag the slider along you will see a bubble above showing the original 0, 1, 2, 3, etc but the value displayed will be the modified one of 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 etc

Awesome, Thanks

Ok, another question, I ran into the same problem with another slider for rotation angles , I want to build a slider from 0, 150 , with 30 degrees steps, and I only get the following degrees 0,30,60,90,120,150. I'm thinking that this isn't possible with a regular slider, I have to use another component. I need to use a slider because I'm going to use it with Galapagos later. Any ideas?  

same method. x*30

Ok, I feel so stupid asking the second question, I don't why I didn't think of that, I think it is because I'm too tired, so many sleepless night finishing a school project.


No problem!

If you ever needed to do it with an irregular step for instance with a Fibonacci Series then you could use the [List Item] approach:





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