
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Locust + Kangaroo (recorded agent data Locust Brain + trail component)

Hi guys!

I'm relatively new with Grasshopper and I need help considering why my trail component doesn't create a trail behind my agents from one of the very ordinary locust example files. Since I'm still learning, a few things which might be logical to you are still mysteries for me. I have tried making the Trail Component work through:

1. Flattening the recorded point outcome and connect it to the trail component.

2. Exchanging the RecordData component to the simpler record component.

3. Connecting True Toggles to the Reset and Record of the trailcomponent (stupid but one tries it all)

4. Removing the Prox-components instead of just enabling them.

5. Dragging the SkipN sliders upp and down (stupid too)

6. Dissconcting the Sphere (connected to Locust Points outcome) 

7. Disconnecting Locust Vectors outcome from RecordData.

I've done this all day. Could someone help me figuring out how come the Trail Component of the Kangaroo plug-in isn't working they way I've connected it to the Locust Brain component? See picture and file.

Kind Regards

Elin Daun

Views: 974


Replies to This Discussion

Are you changing the Reset and Record inputs of the Trail component?

Try connecting a button to Reset and a boolean toggle to Record.

Then you can clear the recorded trail by clicking the button, and switch recording on/off with the toggle

Thank you Daniel! It worked! Have a great Friday night!






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