
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Placing an attractor point on a curved surface and scaling away from it.

Hi guys, 

I'm fairly new to grasshopper and i'm having some trouble with an exercise. 

I need to re-scale the pipes that run between the two surfaces, so that they get larger, the further away from the centre of the surfaces. 

I have managed to find the center point of each surface using u and v surface dividers, however, i'm not sure how to translate these points into attractor points in rhino?

I've attached screenshots of the base rhino document, showing the two surfaces, the pipes and the divider points i have created, as well as the GH file of my working so far. 

Thanks in advance for the help!

Views: 1077


Replies to This Discussion

There are tons of types of attractor points. Here's a basic attractor curve. Geo=your pipe, points=the UV points, Curve=an area to attract to


Thanks for your help Jesse, 

for some reason when I follow the method you suggested, the pipes multiply in number, rather than scale up or down!
I have a feeling this may be because my uv points on the surface are not the correct type. 
How do i go about placing a point on the surface at the center point which i found using uv surface dividers?

It's all about matching up the lists. But in reviewing your GH file it is probably easiest to adjust the size through the pipe command. So give this a try.


thanks again for your help!
That works a treat!
Just wondering if there is a way to ensure that the attractor point is located in the centre of the surface?

Sorry for the delayed response, but you can run the base surface through the Area component where you can grab the center point





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