
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

“Image Sampler I (after Mau)”, by Matsys 2014

Grasshopper script that samples images along a paramter

Views: 312


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Comment by Andy Payne on February 26, 2014 at 8:43am

I saw this yesterday... and was trying to think of which method you used to produce it.  One idea that I had (using Firefly) would be to use the WebCam component and then use the Resize Image component so that it only had 1 pixel in the X-axis, but many pixels in the Y-axis (basically the number of stripes).  Then feed the output into the Bitmap Painter to see the result.  It would be sampling the webcam image in real-time and would update automatically... plus, it could be done in about 3 components I think.  Really nice work.

Comment by Andrew Kudless on February 25, 2014 at 4:01pm

Thanks! A slider is iterating across several Y values but only one X value of an image. So, think of each frame of the animation as a 1 pixel wide slice of an image that is stretched in the X direction. There is a little jitter in there and the height of each "pixel" or stripe is a bit random. Made with Human plugin.  

Comment by Guy Balter on February 25, 2014 at 3:06pm

Nice video!

Can you explain which parameter does it follow?




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