
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,


Apologies to walk onto forum with a bug, right off the bat..


I am teaching myself GH and one exercise was this "ring"..



Everything is working as expected except for one thing.. I have added a "hollowing cutter" (circle. extruded, capped) which should be boolean difference from the main ring body.. but using difference results in a union between them instead, so i used a union instead, and lo and behold it resulted in a difference.. 


I checked by "baking" each component seperately and the booleandiff works properly in rhino..


Any ideas where it went wrong?



Views: 1375


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Hi ceebee,

typically when solid booleans work the wrong way around it's because the normals are pointing inwards instead of outwards, making Rhino think the shape is the opposite of what it should be.

This is always a bug for closed breps as they should be oriented automatically. Can you post the files so I can see exactly in what component it goes wrong?


David Rutten

No problem, here it is, swopped google user accounts by the way.


FWIW my next one worked fine.. Differencing as expected. 

Simple one to help quickly solve the expected weights of ring or partial ring shanks on the fly






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