
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there any possibility to evaluate the deviation from the point of a mesh and a surface that I use to approximate the same mesh?

Something like the Rhino command

Analysis-->surface deviation--->Point deviation

Thank u all!

Views: 1141

Replies to This Discussion

You could do something like find the mesh normal at that point, then draw a line from the point in the mesh normal direction and find the intersect with the surface, then calculate the distance between the points. There will be some inaccuracy depending on where the mesh face centre is in relation to the precise point you have selected but it will be close on a fine mesh.

See if anyone else answers this tho because there might be a better way!

Thank You for the suggestion!

I'll try your way!

Sure. Decompose the mesh to get all the vertices, then use either [Surface CP] or [Brep CP] or [Pull Point] to measure the distance from these vertices to your surface.


David Rutten

Super thanks David!





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