
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone.  I recently found a small bug with the Firefly Firmata.  There is a variable in the Firmata (called numcycles) which controls how quickly the Arduino board sends data over to Grasshopper.  When I was rewriting the Firefly Firmata during the last update, I must have inadvertently set this to be relatively small...which means it would send data more quickly over to Grasshopper.  The result was that it was flooding the Grasshopper buffer and causing weird behavior when using the Uno/Mega Read components.  The fix was to increase this variable to be higher (the default is now 1,000) which slows down how quickly it sends data to Grasshopper.  Ironically, by slowing it down just a bit... it actually causes Grasshopper to respond more quickly... because when the buffer was flooded it would pause periodically (likely to deal with all of the data coming over).  When it has slightly more time to process the information, it doesn't get bogged down.  

Because this is kind of a critical bug that pertains to the Arduino workflow, I decided to release a new build (  The only change that was made was to edit the variable (called numcycles).  So, if you want the fix you can do one of two options.  You can either download the latest build (from either the fireflyexperiments page or food4rhino).  Or you can open up the Firefly firmata and edit line 58.  The new line should read "int numcycles = 1000;" (without quotations).  

Please let me know if  you have any questions or comments.  Feedback is always welcome.

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