
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is there any possibilty to save the work area in any vectorgarhics format?

I would like to use it high resolution.



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Sorry for mistyping I meant work area, and vector graphics...:)

I only know that ...

It is not possible. Grasshopper draws it's canvas as a bitmap, using algorithmic graphics, which is different from vector graphics. It is of course conceivable that there would be a vector output, but it would require quite a lot of extra work not just for me, but also for everyone else who is drawing custom stuff into the canvas.

As TheChosenOne pointed out, there is an image export tool that allows you to create a high quality large image with transparent background.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

David, thanks for the answer. Its really a help, however even if I try to change canvas color similar to the screen, in the output file is always black. Maybe it is a bug?

the background is transparant. if your image viewing/editing software does not support this then it will be seen as black. what are you using?

If the background is always transparent, what is the use to change the canvas color?

When I open the file in Photoshop the canvas is always black. It does not help if I change the background color is photoshop.

The image is saved as a png with full alpha information. If you pick a completely transparent background colour (meaning the A slider is set to 0) you get a result as follows:

If you set the A to 255 (completely opaque) then you get to pick the actual colour:

I opened these files in Paint.NET, not Photoshop.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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