
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I want to make a simple "Scissors-simulation" and stumbled over Grasshopper.

The Simulation should have sliders on each bar (a,b, the picture) to control the length and the joint position.

When moving point "H" the Scissor should open and close.

I tried now for 2 days to get this work in grasshopper and read hundreds of postings and

obviously i came to a dead end building the h,f bars.

Can someone point me in the right direction (eg. an example)?

My english is not so good so maybe i searched with the wrong words.

How is this kind of simulation called in english?


Views: 1586

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Just looking at this, it seems to me that either you can't specify the length of "a" or that ""H" isn't confined to moving vertically but must be free to move from side to side.  The model seems to confirm this; note the line "a" in blue - it's a result, not a spec'd length.


Thank you Joseph for your Answer and sorry for my unclear question!

Yes you are right H is moving side by side, that's what I want.

I want to pick H with the mouse and drag it along a resulting curve.

I felt to be in a dead end because ist's getting more and more complicated.

Isn't there an easier way to connect fixed bars with joint's?


Your diagram shows "H" moving only up and down, not side to side.  But you can easily move "H" in both X and Y:

What is not so easy, however, is being able to move "H" _AND/OR_ set the length of "a" (the blue line).

An easier way?  Someone somewhere has probably done all the work for you and created a plugin for this job, if that's what you mean - good luck.







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