
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody

I have a problem with my analysis. I want to analyze the floor of an interior room in a building for radiation and daylight autonomy. Radiation comes from energy and the unit is kwh/m2. So energyplus should analyze this, and I need to model my building with all of the thicknesses of interior walls and exterior walls. And I should give EP materials to my model. Am I right?

And for Daylight Autonomy analysis I need to give RAD materials to my model. So for this analysis Do I need to give the thicknesses of interior walls and exterior walls?

I don't know where I am wrong!!

If you know anything about this please help me


Views: 423

Replies to This Discussion

1. You can get the radiation values either using Radiance or EnergyPlus.

2. There are a number of discussions on the forum on how to add wall thickness to the daylight model.

3. Send your questions about Ladybug and Honeybee to Ladybug forum (

Hi Mostapha

Thank you for your reply.. I will search that topic on the forum. But I wanted to know the difference between EP or RAD materials in radiation analysis.


They will be used for different simulations. Radiance model will only use RAD materials for daylight/radiation analysis.

And if I want to run radiation analysis with radiance materials, shall I model the thicknesses of walls and ceilings and floors? Or just model my building with surfaces without thicknesses?

I mean that is there a difference in results if i consider thicknesse?and which of them is more real?





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