
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone

I'm not sure if this post is ok but basically I need help in transforming planar to world coordinates. I'm using python that's why I don't understand.

The only thing I was told are these:

#1) Sample grid of points on surface (use a nested loop)

# 2) Go through the points created using a nested loop, use a counter for points
#k = 0

# Each time in the inner loop:
# Create a local frame(plane) using 3 points

# Find point that lies in the plane which is closest to the last corner point

# 3) Create rectangle outlines as polylines (add 4 corners and first one at the end to close the polyline)

# 4) Transform each frame, cen_pt from surface frame to world XY, 
# then translate them according to the dx and dy spacing. (Hint: remember the order of multiplying matrices)

# 5) Create new rect polyline and transform it, find centre of transformed rect polylines

If I remove the transform and translate, everything aligns perfectly >/p>

Please help, thank you in advance!

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