
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is a modified version of Giulio Piacentino's Catenary code originally posted here :

Instead of being driven by chain length, it passes the chain through three points using hill climbing optimisation. 

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Very nice script!
Thanks for adapting the inputs and logic to this situation.

- Giulio

this is amazing, tried to figure this out for a while this weekend.

thank you!



Thanks so much for this! This is exactly what I was hoping for!

That said, is there a version of this code that only takes two points and a height (i.e. allows the middle point's x-value float)? Just curious. But still totally psyched about this.

Michael M.

Hi Michael,

Assuming the end-points are at the same height, you can specify a height by generating the mid-point parametrically: create a point halfway between the two end-points (you can do this by averaging the points using the average node), then move the point down to the desired height -- use this point as the mid-point in the calculations. 

Thank you so very much for this!






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