
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all,

got stuck at this simple task.

I wondering why i cant access the method.

I tried by reading the rhino sdk but to be honest i think i dont really seem to understand how to use it.

How to know now how exactly i have to set up the lines?

From python help i know there was a line i just copied, is there something similar in c#?

Also in line 71(creating a brep it is not possible to write it the shorter way like: bounds.CreatePlanarBreps

it has to be:Rhino.Geometry.Brep.CreatePlanarBreps(bound)

I dont understand why this happens.

Thanks for any help!

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And given the opportunity, here's a challenge (for the future):

Are you brave? are you willing to walk the walk? (to nowhere) Do you want to take on the world in just 666.66 easy steps?

If yes open .... the def and try to write down a less crude (and way faster) Method for going from here:

to there:

Notice the sardine cans waiting for the winner.


Hi Peter,

thanks  for the help didnt knew about the underlying surface, just googled it.

The data tree stuff is still to advanced for me, probably the sardines never will leave sardinelandia.btw are we talking about baby brent sardines?

If you have plans to code for doing business solely within/inside GH ... DataTrees are a must. If not try to sample nested collections into some more "standard" stuff. Before you decide examine the sum of the applications that you will work.

On more serious matters:

I'm talking about top class Da Morgada sardines in pure mineral oil (15W/50, what else?).  

Given the quality of the prize I'm sure that you'll intensify your attempts for fixing the crude aspect(s) of that #%$#@%$ split Method.


Cant open the file, crashs when a enable the solver.Spent all my sparetime this days on the icd course, so couldnt look so close.

Futuregoal is be able to manage  #%$#@%$ DataTrees, but still a long way...

Also would prefer anchovies, when possible, isnt it the same fish?Never tried Da Morgada, but the hipster beer beside frightens me to be honest.

Also i thought you were an ancient greek and they are from Portugal?


That's due to the disgusting fact that GH can't memorize a thing or two. So no internalized stuff in this attached V1B (load Rhino file first - anyway if the C# gets null/invalid/non planar stuff it stops playing).

If this happens again in any def of yours (with or without code):

1. Disable solver.

2. Clear values from the bad stuff (in this occasion the curves but in general: ANY thing that is internalized).

3. Enable solver.

3. Reference the items in question.

On serious matters:

Anchovies are indeed a "similar" thingy (a bit smaller) but I have found that are not compatible with 15W/50 mineral oil (they require semi synthetic 10W/40). That said some people with an acquired taste on sardines still prefer olive oil (avoid).  


BTW: Here's a sardine exercise for you:

As you may know DataTrees are kinda a container ship carrying sardines.

How to deal with critical sardine logistics matters ?. Only using Data Trees, that is (if you are a GH aficionado if not use other stuff).

Of course things could yield Data Trees with higher dimensions (sardine > sardine can > boxes > container > ship > ocean > planet > solar system > galaxy > universe).

So ... gradually replace all the native components with C# and be a happy sardine-bunny.

May the Force (the dark option) be with you


And that's the corrected stuff from your 1st attempt to win the sardines (ISO 9000 certified).

Critical mistakes:

1. No black/dark grey in groups > BAD

2. No emblem > AWFUL

3. No order > components randomly placed here and there > UGLY. 

Moral: Give me sardines or give me death.


And here's the proper stuff (spaghetti less) + emblem + dark grey croup colors + order = all the MIA things from your def that is. It's (boxes creation) about 120++++ times faster (but why? who knows? and who cares?).

What's next? Well ... the big thing > put sardines in boxes and boxes in containers. Pay attention that in heavy seas sardines MAY suffer from nausea meaning that the boxes must be elastically connected (in order to counter balance the ship's motion) using the notorious Fotiadis ACME Industries pink connecting material (available on request).

Moral: Sardimun Amamus Dum Spiramus


Hi Tom,

thanks for the explanation. try to do more in vs, i really like the autocomplete function. at the moment i am going through the icd workshop which is streamed in these days hoping general questions can be acleared there.







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