
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I´m fighting with some strings at the moment and still can´t get it right.

If I have a list of similar strings. How could there be a possibility to merge i.e. the string "economic" and "economics"  into two "econonomic" strings.

To say just the last one ore two characters differ.

Views: 674

Replies to This Discussion

Are these strings to be merged always adjacent in the list?

Is it always an '*s' that is appended?


David Rutten

Would this logic work on your data?


David Rutten


Hi David,

thank you very much for this proposal. Unfortunatly it culls also Strings that are very essential. In the end list I would also need to know how many Strings from the first list were removed. Maybe it would be better to work with a replacement. That for instance cats would be replaced by cat and economics by economic.

Hi David,

If I sort the strings according to the character lenght they can be but would not be necessary adjacent.

Its not always an '*s' but sometimes an '*e' sometimes an '*st'. Neverthless the exceptions are in a overviewable range of differences.

Thanks a lot,



I worked a bit further on this issue and I have to thank you David for the file you made. Unfortunately I came to a point where in a strange sense strings start to duplicate and my programe starts to remove characters which its not supposed to remove. For instance the last character of "Beschleunigungspolitik".

I put a list with 479 Strings in and I get 785 Strings out. I just cant see where they multiply. Does anyone see a solution for this?


In fact the issue on the amount of Strings is solved by taking just the first Item of each branch. Nevertheless I´m still looking for a solution concerning the last characters of certain essential strings.

Maybe I have to look for another method and somehow make groups of character amounts and compare the characters. Does anyone has some experience with this?






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