
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Im working on a definition which analyzes facade cladding elements and sorts/labels them depending on their dimensions. I.e it goes through all panels, groups duplicates and assigns them a number starting from 0 to n-1 where n is number of unique tiles.

the problem im having is spitting the new values back out in a rule based manner. really, for the sake of order, panels would be analyzed starting from bottom left row, move right until that row is complete then move up to the second row and so on. the only way i know how to do this is t actually select objects - which are imported cad files - in the order of desired output. doing this on a large facade with complex geometries will defeat the whole scope. any ideas please? i've attached jpegs and definition to better explain.


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for the sake of order you can ruin your life ;-)

1st idea:

you can give a point where to begin. This works only if your system is strongly in X/Y orientated. If so you can go in +X direction, then +Z and so on. If not, it will be a pain to get the right order. Also this can't work properly on circular/dome/organic structures.

2nd idea:

why not first in --> first item number. This is also a kind of order. Advantage: you can work with any kind of structure. With a assembly plan there are no problems on site.

Just think about...

Have a nice day,


Thanks for reply!

Doesn't gh usually work with first in - first item number by default though? 

Aha I agree with option one - that it will limit the definition to facades with a strong x and y direction but maybe it will be good for simple facades - facades with much more organic and complex layouts will have to be ordered on an entirely different rule - I'll try that one out when I get to it!






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