
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Today I have a big fight with all kind of Strings! I have a data tree with 480 branches and a list of 140 strings. I would like to compare these two lists and get the amount strings (of the lower list) I have in each branch. I tried already several possibilities but still cant get it right. Member Index and List items doesnt bring me further because it selects the wrong Items. A comparision through the equality component also doesnt work.

Views: 4159

Replies to This Discussion

I think the [Set Intersection] component is what you're after. It would be nice if you could post some of these string collections so we can test our ideas.


David Rutten

Hi David,

thanks for your reply. Is there a possibility to copy a data tree to the canvas? I can copy the list, but it´s never with all the 480 branches.

You can internalize almost all parameter types. It will turn the data-tree from inherited data to local data.


David Rutten

Indeed Set Intersection was a great solution!! Nevertheless I´m still suffering to get the amount of the items in each branch.


[List Length] will tell you for each list how long it is.


David Rutten

Looks like you are using GH to create an European political rhetoric generator.

See this American version for reference:

My supporters know that I will protect our hard-working families, our iPhone apps and our heroes of 9/11.

Now I know who I will vote for, the iPhone apps got me.

iPhone apps seems popular right now.

I refuse to support an America where greedy insurance companies and backroom dealmakers can take away our iPhone apps.

I got one before that said something like:

I have faith in my faith in Jesus Christ, our Christian religion and our iPhone apps.

That guy is saying the right stuff.

Not directly on a rhetoric generator, nevertheless it is a interesting tool, but on a metareader of texts that shows me main relation between most used words in a certain text. So far I made a frist tryout with a text from the german version of the accelerationist manifesto:

And here the current result:






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