
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all, I'm trying to create a form from a distorted sphere - to be specific, I've created a sphere object and divided the surface with points - I'd like to move each of these points by a random amount - or range (constrained by a small amount) in the x,y,z directions to create a more irregular shape. 

I can only figure out how to move the entire collection of points or one point at a time and then create a surface out of them - so any help is appreciated creating this weird experiment. Thanks, Michael


Views: 2018


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So every point is randomly moved? That'll generate pretty uniform noise across the surface. Your image seems to indicate that you want to move the points randomly, but that nearly points should move in roughly the same direction and by roughly the same amount.


David Rutten

I'd like each point to be moved somewhat differently; where "differently" is amount (distance) or direction. Maybe setting up a random transform for the XYZ vector so that a point could move from 0-.5 in x, y, or z - depending on the "psuedo" random values populated within the component. I hope this helps clarify.

And hey! Thanks for the response. 

Either way, here are three solutions.

  1. Move each point randomly in X, Y and Z
  2. Move each point randomly along the normal
  3. Move each point based on distance to a set of attractor points.


David Rutten


Incredible - thanks for the help






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