
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

New to grasshopper, need a little help with this simple task..

So I'm just trying to set up a simple script here, but I'm pretty new to grasshopper and I can't seem to figure it out...I'm assuming it's possible and fairly easy. 

I'm just trying to make it so I can select all of the closed polysurfaces in my model. I attached an image of an example of the open vs. closed polysurfaces and an attempt at the script. I was able to separate them by area but how can I actually select the ones that are closed?

(In the full model there are hundreds of these objects jumbled together that I need to select and it would take forever to do it one by one)

Thanks in advance for the help!

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Hi David,

are your polysurfaces all 6 sided or do they vary?

All of the closed surfaces are 6 sided, but as you can see when they are trimmed they can have less.

Do you need to do this in Grasshopper? There is a command SelClosedPolysrf in Rhino that might be helpful. You can then reference all those selected objects with a right click, "Set Multiple Geometries" on a brep or geometry component if you need them accessible in Grasshopper.

That's all I really needed! I had no idea that command existed...thanks for the help!

You can select a closed polysurfaces from Grasshopper too: there's a handy rhinoscript method "IsPolysurfaceClosed".
It requires a GH Python plugin installed, though.






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