
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a question on divide and explode prompt. Help me please.

Studying grasshopper, in tutorial I should do to draw curve on surface.

I don't know why this problem is working.

Exploding surface have had four values.

But!!!!!  Surface dividing prompt have had just two values.


In my grasshopper tutorial, there are having same values......

This problem makes me hard.

I have planned to draw curve on surface, dividing surface and cull pattern.

Because UV value need to draw curve on surface..

Then divide prompt did not divide 4 values, so I can't do that....

This is screenshot.

Views: 401


Replies to This Discussion

hey Leo,

the reason why you have four items in each path when using your explode component is because you are printing the vertices, and there are 4 vertices to each face, therefore 4 items in each path.

the greater the value of the integer you put into the 'U' and 'V' on the divide surface component, the more items you will get in each path.

i would check out the lift architects manual in the tutorials page of this site so you can understand the path logic.

hopefully this will prevent you from getting hard while grasshopping ;)

good luck
Hi Mr. Carlin. Thank you for your reply. :)

Mr. Carlin I have understood what you explain...
"Explode" makes four vertices of each exploded face.
And "Divide" makes two values of each direction of U and V. Right?
I know how they "Explode" and "Divide" are worked in grasshopper.
I'd like to follow my tutorial. In tutorial, they have same four values.
Maybe Are "Divide" not same between latest version of grasshopper and version of my tutorial?
Could you check out this tutorial??

Here is tutorial links.
Tutorial name - cull and curve on surface

Have a good day Mr. Carlin.

I have founded any other "Divide" but I Couldn't find....

Sorry Mr. Carlin. I might been bothered you.....
hey Leo,

The attached file shows what i was talking about previously.. With regard to that tutorial, I would just use exactly the same components that they are using.

good luck
Hi Mr. Carlin.
I have opend your file. That is not a way what I want.....
In your way, you just increased path at each of divided surface.
Nothing can't be changed...

In short words, I want to draw a cross curve on surface with one surface, divide, and cursuf prompt. Like this attached file.....

Please check out previously attched tutorial. It is the best way to understand what I mean exactly. It just takes 7 Min.......ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Hi. Mr Carlin.

I found an answer about my problem.
The attached file shows what it is~~.
Please check out this :)

In my doc file, you'll find what I mean, want and find why I can't do that.





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